There are a number of high technology ICT, renewable energy and aeronautical businesses in the UK and Republic of Ireland, many of which have been created in the last several years.
Some of these companies are “spin-out's” from University programmes or are entrepreneurial start-up's.
Many of them have either not yet to develop a global market for their products and services, or have not penetrated these markets to their expectations.
Foreign Businesses
There is an increasing number of Asian and American companies establishing business operations in the European market.
Some of these companies are largely independent of any local business, excepting for possible supply chain relationships.
Others may have established strategic relationships with local businesses, using such typical arrangements as funding, joint venture, or outright purchase.
Global Financial focuses on three industry segments: Aeronautics, ICT, and Renewable Energy. MORE
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle manufacturing and deployment is the fastest growing segment of the aeronautics industry. MORE
Anywhere and anytime mobile devices, digital media, and cloud computing make ICT again a high growth industry on a global scale.MORE
Renewable Energy is a growing strategic security asset and is promoting energy democracy. MORE